Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It started out so good! DAMN YOU!

Is it bad to feel perfectly fine about not having a proper job or occupation in general, just so you can get up late in the morning and read books in your bed? It just feels so good, like something I would like to do every day for the rest of my life! I love waking up with something to read.

So yeah, I really like having a lot of time in the morning. Waking up and getting ready is really tedious for me. And I like it, as long as I actually do have the time for it.
Usually, I spend three or four hours on getting up. Most of it is consumed by lazieness (which basically means a lot of reading, followed by a lot of being really slow, which leads to the shower in which I spend a lot of time, while not really figuring out a good breakfast so I just end up making lunch right away, but since I'm not very cheffy it takes some time, so by the time I'm done eating it's usually afternoon already).

Be glad I'm not reading this aloud for you, because

Never mind, got interrupted by a trespassing parent and I'm not in the mood for anything anymore. Hate.

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